# silicon jungle - a [[person]]. - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/JungleSilicon - [[james]] ## [[next]] - post for [[effective altruism forums]] on [[freeing the internet]] - case: link to ai / existential risk - [[hypothesis]] - [[the revolution will be annotated]] ## [[2021-10-31]] - started programming at nine - silicon jungle: a play on [[concrete jungle]] at the time of the internet - video game developer for years - indie vs mobile was the fork in the road - did [[indie]] - left the industry, did [[crypto]] for a while - worked on a [[marketplace]] for the last year, gave notice one month ago - into social media and interoperability now - [[interoperable social space]] - permission model like a Drive - UI like a [[facebook group]] - but can be seen as a container of resources - [[agora]] - [[agora server]] - [[agora bridge]] - [[moa]] - do you know...? - [[fission]] - [[prosperity license]] - [[moa]] - [[humane technology australia]] - a future we want to live in: - one that tries to align how we are as humans and technology - more solarpunk than cyberpunk - [[flancia]] started as a utopia, but - "my utopia is your dystopia" - precisely - tribes -> countries -> globalization - [[the expanding circle]] - individuals have ammassed too much power due to [[anti disintermediation]] - [[counter anti disintermediation]] - [[interoperability]] seems key - [[moderators]] or a [[democractic approach]]? - [[liquid democracy]]/[[heterarchies]] in moderation? - venues to [[interoperability]] - [[adversarial interoperability]] - [[eff]] - [[bridges]] - [[siphons]] - [[rising tide]] - [[braid]] - [[redwood]] - core mvp of what James is trying to build: - going to look a lot like a facebook group, a feed of posts - do you know of [[ctzn]] / [[hypercore]]? - tied to that, a [[resource hub]] which lets it interop with a bunch of services. each community chooses which services it hooks up with - group membership propragates to other services as possible - I think we're probably both trying to build an [[interlay]]? - the working name for James's project is [[spaces]] but that probably won't work